Welcome to the New 6th form centre project Blog

"Welcome to the New 6th Form Centre progress Blog" The contents of the blog will be updated as it progresses through It's 20 week program.
" We are Just about Finished"

Thursday, 29 November 2012

"Another brick Not in the wall"

The big dividing wall is coming down, by the end of the day it should be down. I will post a picture as soon as it is down.

Internally a number of doorways are being bricked up, all looking a bit strange at the moment but things will start to take shape over the coming week.

The steelwork for the Mezzanine will be going in on Friday morning. watch the post for the latest pics.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Some of the steelwork has arrived for the Mezzanine, Preparations for the removal of the main wall in the canteen block are nearing completion, this involved some "heavy duty" steel struts specifically engineered to take the huge loads whilst the new steelwork is being installed.

Steel Supports

Thursday, 22 November 2012

"Get Digging"

All this rubble has to go somewhere...

Digger Video

Friday, 16 November 2012

"Breaking News...."

Asbestos  has been discovered in underfloor heating ducts!

Although a pre-construction/demolition type3 Asbestos survey was carried out, this was not picked up due to it's location, under the floor. Now exposed and identified, it has been quarantined and will need removal by specialists.  This will cause some delay to works.

"All Gone"

The ceiling over the old Mac suite has now been removed completely.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

"Things Get Moving"

This week has been a lot about "Out with the Old", removing ceilings, insulation, heating systems etc.  There have been many contractors on site familiarising themselves with the role they will play in the overall project. Things will start to settle down over the coming weeks, a working schedule will be drawn up and deadlines set for individual element completion.

Below are a couple of pictures showing a new opening and the demolition of the ceiling in the old Mac suite.

New doorway
Ceiling coming down

Monday, 12 November 2012

It All starts Now

The fences are up the workmen on site and work can begin.

Initially there will be a lot of stripping out and site clearance so not much to report on. I will post new pictures as we go.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


For those of you who are interested in seeing the plans I have included them below.
The items in the rooms and the names of rooms are only for drawing purposes, ie. seating in study areas.

We will be having glass balustrades on the end of the mezzanine and think it would be a good idea to engage student to come up with designs to be etched on the glass, like the ones at the Library steps.

I will be contacting the relevant individuals to see if we can get this moved forward.



" In the Beginning"

Main Building

 Old C1 Classroom
Old C2 Classroom